
意大利童话:And Seven! 七!

阅读 :

and seven!

a woman had a daughter who was big and fat and so gluttonous that when her mother brought the soup to the table she would eat one bowl, then a second, then a third, and keep on calling for more her mother filled her bowl, saying, "that makes three! and four! and five!" when the daughter asked for a seventh bowl of soup, her mother, instead of filling the bowl, whacked her over the head, shouting, "and seven!"

a well-dressed young man was passing by just then and saw the mother through the window hitting the girl and crying, "and seven!"

as the big fat young lady captured his fancy immediately, he went in and asked, "seven of what?"

ashamed of her daughter's gluttony, the mother replied, "seven spindles of hemp! i have a daughter so crazy about work that she'd even spin the wool on the sheep's back! can you imagine that she's already spun seven spindles of hemp this morning and still wants to spin? to make her stop, i have to beat her"

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