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in the great church at roskilde, denmark, there is shown a large whetstone, which was sent to the celebrated queen margaret by albert, king of sweden, in the 14th century, intimating that she should use it to sharpen her needles instead of using a sceptre. the queen replied that she would apply it to the edges of her soldiers' swords.

she was as good as her word. in 1389, she fought albert in a pitched battle, and took him prisoner. she put upon his head a fool's cap, and repaid him for his insults in other ways. she then locked him up in a strong prison cell. after six years' imprisonment, albert was released on very hard conditions.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:女王复仇记(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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