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In 1711, Peter the Great of Russia did battle with the Ottoman Empire. At the Pruth River, he and his army were trapped and surrounded by forces four times as strong. Peter wanted to break out of the encirclement, but his wife Catherine, who accompanied him on the campaign, realised that such a move would be suicidal. She persuaded Peter to sent a letter to the Grand Vizier, to which she appended all her valuables. This decided the matter. The Turks agreed to negotiations, and peace was concluded.
Catherine was not only wise, but had heart and compassion. After Peter's death, she ascended the throne. Unlike the despots who had ruled Russia before her, she wanted her reign to be underpinned by the will of the people rather than their fear."I hope," she said,"I shall always act as a mother of my people." And she did what she said.




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