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peaches and plums do not have to talk, yet the world beats a path to them--natural attraction

duing the western han dynasty(206 b.c.- a.d.24)period, there was a very famous general whose name was li guang. he was very brave and skillful in battle, and had fought more than seventy battles with the huns, an ancient nationality in china.having made brilliant achievements in war, he was deeply loved and esteemed by the officers and men as well as the common people.


however,he did not claim credit for himself and become arrogant,although he held a high post,commanding a big army,and had rendered outstanding service in defending the county. he was not only polite and amiable, but also shared weal and woe with the soldiers. he always had the troops under his commandat heart,and whenever gifts were bestowed to him by the imperial government,he distributed the gifts to his officers and men. when marching, he endured the torments of hunger and thirst as the soldiers did when food and water were in short supply. when fighting, he charged at the head of his men,and ,when he gave the order,every soldier advanced bravely to engage in fighting,not fearing death.

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本文标题:历史典故:桃李不言,下自成蹊-中国历史故事英文版中英对照 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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