

阅读 :

相传古代中国有四条神龙:长龙、黄龙、黑龙、珍珠龙。有一天,四条神龙发现大地干旱,人们都生活在水深火热之中,于是善良的神龙们去恳求玉帝降雨。但可恶的玉帝竟拒绝了它们的请求,神龙不忍让人们饱受痛苦,于是私自从大海中汲取水滴入口,再喷洒于空中,旱灾终于得到的解除。但可恶的玉帝竟要狠狠惩罚它们,命山神将四龙锁在山中……然而,一个名叫晶心的仙女勇敢的站了出来,用自己的法力释放了神龙,并将自己的精心(灵魂)与四条神龙的灵魂合五为一...... 他们,化作了长江.黄河.黑龙江和珠江...四条中国最主要的江河,从此,人们过上了幸福美满的生活...

once upon a time, there were no rivers and lakes on earth, but only the eastern sea, in which lived four dragons: the long dragon, the yellow dragon, the black dragon and the pearl dragon.

one day the four dragons flew from the sea into the sky. they soared and dived, playing at hide-and-seek in the clouds.

"come over here quickly!" the pearl dragon cried out suddenly.

"what's up?" asked the other three, looking down in the direction where the pearl dragon pointed. on the earth they saw many people putting out fruits and cakes, and burning incense sticks. they were praying! a white-haired woman, kneeling on the ground with a thin boy on her back, murmured:

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本文标题:神龙传说,中国人喜欢龙的原因-中国神话故事英语版 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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