

阅读 :
高枕无忧 中文




高枕无忧 英文

To Fluff Up the Pillow And Have a Good Rest

Feng Shiuan lived at the home of Meng Chang-jun, prime minister of the state Ch'i during the Warring States Period (zhàn guó 战国).

One day, Meng Chang-jun sent Feng Shiuan to a place called Shue to collect the rent owed to him by the people there. But Feng Shiuan not only did not collect the rent; he aslo burned all of the contracts. The people of Shue were therefore very grateful to Meng Chang-jun.
Sometime later, when he was no longer prime minster, Meng Chang-jun went to live in Shue, and was warmly welcomed by all of the people there. However,Feng Shiuan believed that this was not quite enough. So he went and told the king of Wei what a talented person Meng Chang-jun was, and before long Meng Chang-jun was offered a position in the Wei court. On Feng Shiuan's advice, Meng Chang-jun refused the position, but the king of Ch'i afraid that he would accept, then asked Meng Chang-jun, "You now have a choice of three places where you could live. You can fluff up the pillows and have a good rest."

Thus, "To Fluff Up the Pillows and Have a Good Rest" means to live a happy and worry-free life.

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