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满城风雨 中文




满城风雨 英文

Wind and Rain Were Swept Through the Whole Town

In the Northern Song Dynasty (běi sòng 北宋, 960-1127AD),Xie Wuyi (xiè wú yì 谢无逸) and Pan Dalin (pān dà lín 潘大临) were good friends and both crazy about poem writing. Though they were not in the same province,they made good use of correspondence for the poetries exchange. At that time,life was pretty hard for Pan Dalin,he was down and out,struggling a living hardly by borrowing from others.

The traditional Double-ninth Day (chóng yáng jié 重阳节) was around the corner,in the small town where Pan lived,winds blew heavily and rains always poured. One morning,Pan was shocked and moved by the bleak and amazingly beautiful scene outside when he opened the shaddering window. Being Inspired by it,he rapidly got a pen and paper to write down one line of poem:"Double-ninth Day is coming, Wind and Rain Were Swept Through the Whole Town.” Not until he fininshed the poem, his renter broke into his house,asking for the debts in a rash tone. His writing process was so crudely interrupted by the happenning that he had to deliver the incomplete poem to Xie Wuyi. Unpredictably,the short sentence had since gained a great popularity aroud the country. After several generations,"Wind and Rain Were Swept Through the Whole Town”were still remembered by many people,but its original meaning was fading,instead,it now be used to describe a sensational thing that raise uproars in an area and widely talked by the citizens.


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本文标题:满城风雨 - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事

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