
在公交车上On the Bus

阅读 :
I go to school by bus. There are many people on the bus. Some of them are old, some of them are smaller than me, and some of them are mothers with a baby. When I see them, I will let them sit on my seat. They will thank me. feel so happy, because I help people on the bus.  我乘公交车上学。车上有很多人。有些是老人,有些比我还小,有些是带着宝宝的妈妈。当我看到他们,我会给他们让座。他们会感谢我。我感到非常高兴,因为我在公交车上帮助了别人。

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本文标题:在公交车上On the Bus - 小学英语作文_小学生英语作文


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