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  • sleepy,but don't want to go to bed;why?Enough sleep can make a lady more beautiful. Reply
  • Merry Christmas Eve Reply
  • lazy ,dont want to anything Reply
  • today the price in stock market drop heavily again!Like a storm! Reply
  • daughter had a cold for 2 days again! Reply
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China raised bank reserve requirement ratio 2010-01-12
China raised bank reserve requirement ratio,which shows China's central bank moved to tighten monetary policy .I think maybe  the price in the s ...
(669) Views|(1) Replies
It's hard to be a student in our country 2009-12-23
     At noon I took my daughter  home as usual.And she took her book home as most days.There was no doubt that she had to ...
(605) Views|(4) Replies
full with gratitude 2009-11-26
Today it's Thanks giving day!Everyone should have a grateful heart.Thank our parents for giving our body and foster us;Thank our teachers for th ...
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It's hard to be a teacher 2009-11-03
   This morning  I was late again.When I entered the schoolyard,the director was standing there.He is  very strict and serious.An ...
(745) Views|(4) Replies
weekend 2009-10-17
In the morning I sent daughter to learn to dance ;in the aftenoon took her to take a bath;then I have to do some washing .every saturday I do ...
(664) Views|(1) Replies

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sly 2009-11-1 19:34
nice photo
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