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What is the attitude you for gay? | ffqf 2015-7-6 | 712882 | 729548377 2016-10-18 15:28 | |
Is absolute happiness possible in this universe? | DavidHume 2014-9-8 | 414745 | Jamesonhao 2014-11-22 10:09 | |
Have you ever imagined what you'd be like in maybe ten years? | fairy0612 2014-7-2 | 3030469 | ffqf 2015-6-29 10:02 | |
listenning skill/ | jeniffer 2013-12-10 | 815777 | ada23 2015-1-20 22:28 | |
Love isn’t complicated, people are. | helian 2013-10-17 | 110709 | ada23 2015-1-20 22:27 | |
A little idea of learning English | Ausfrank 2013-10-16 | 315425 | Ausfrank 2015-6-24 09:55 | |
Where is everybody? | Tasteoflife 2013-7-30 | 35341 | Tasteoflife 2013-8-14 18:26 | |
Learning English is no short cut but it has tricks | Ausfrank 2013-5-26 | 110708 | LILYWYN 2014-8-5 09:28 | |
who should do the housework? | aliceyingying 2013-4-18 | 55385 | Emily827 2013-7-4 13:41 | |
does it interfere with sudents' study to do housework? | aliceyingying 2013-4-18 | 03945 | aliceyingying 2013-4-18 09:47 | |
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