

阅读 :

(6)课外活动 extracurricular activities



        A. 体育活动 (physical activities)

  captain of the university basketball team. 大学篮球队队长。
  player of the college volleyball team. 学院排球队队员。
  goalkeeper of the university soccer team. 大学足球队守门员。
  won the first place in men''s one-thousand-meter race at the university stude
nt sports of jiangsu province in 1987. 1987年在江苏省大学生体育运动会中获男子1000米跑第一名。
  won championship in women''s five-hundred-meter swimming race at the college sports meet in 1991. 在1991年的校体育运动会中获女子500米游泳赛冠军。

  B. 文娱活动(recreational activities)

  voilin (piano, etc.) player of the university orchestra. 校乐队小提琴(钢琴等)演奏员。
  member of the college choir. 校合唱队成员。
  member of bridge club. 桥牌俱乐部成员。
  won the first place in the university chess contest in 1992. 1992年获全校象棋比赛第一名。
  won the runner-up in the college dancing contest in 1994. 在1994年全校跳舞比赛中获亚军。

  C. 学术活动(academic activities)

  editor of campus life, a weekly. "校园生活"周报编辑。
  editor of journal of graduate studies. 《研究生学刊》编辑。
chairman of kangle poetry society in 1993. 1993年任康乐诗会会长。
won the third place in all guangzhou english oratorical contest in 1989. 1989年全广州英语演讲比赛获第三名。
won the second place in the eloquence competition in the university in 1986. 1986年在本校举行的口才比赛中获第二名。
  won the fourth place in the historical knowledge competition in the whole pr
omive in 1987. 1987年在全省历史知识竞赛中获第四名。
  won the calligraphical contest in the college in 1989. 1989年在本校书法比赛中获优胜。
  won the second-class prize in the university drawing contest in 1990. 1990年在本校绘画比赛中获二等奖。

  D. 社会活动(social activities)

  senior year: president of college student council.
  senior year: party secretary of the department student branch.
  junior year: league secretary of the class.
  junior year: president of university graduate student council.
  sophomore year: commissary in charge of organization of the league branch of the class.
  freshman year: commissiary in charge of studies in the class.
  freshman year: monitor of class.
  sophomore year: commissary in charge of sports in the student council.

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