

阅读 :

  491. What's the tactics?


  492. It is the art of placing or moving fighting forces for or during battle.


  493. What's the strategy? 什么是战略?

  494. It is the art of planning operations in war.


  495. China has many strategists and generals well-known to the world.


  496. Sun Zi and Mao Zedong are the most famous.


  497. There is "The Art of War by Sun Zi" in the East.


  498. In the West there is "On War" by Clausewitz.


  499. Both books on the art of war are the required works for the soldiers.


  500. "On War" advocates the total war.


  501. War is the continuation of politics.


  502. "On Protracted War" is one of the important military theories.


  503. The guerrilla warfare has a great influence on some countries strategically and tactically.


  504. There have been great changes in the world.


  505. Advanced weapons and equipment have been made.


  506. New military theories have appeared after a conflict or a war.


  507. No one doesn't know the Gulf War.


  508. It may break out again at any time.


  509. Indians wrote a book soon after the Gulf War.


  510. Its title is "Lessons Learned by the Third World".


  511. There are still many American soldiers fighting in Afghanistan.


  512. But quite a lot of articles on their lessons have been published.


  513. We are against the systems of the TMD and NMD.


  514. We'd like to cooperate with the U.S. in other fields.


  Words and Expressions单词和短语

  Clausewitz 克劳塞维茨

  advocate vt. 主张

  conflict n. 冲突

  TMD theater missile defense 战区导弹防御

  NMD national missile defense 国家导弹防御

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