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  题目:Bicycles――An Important Means of Transport in China提纲:(1)为什么自行车在中国这样普及(2)和汽车的比较(3)自行车在中国的前途

  Score: 8

  Bicycle is an important means of transport in China. The important reason of it is the economy of Chinese. The use of bicycle in China is widely because people in China have not high wage. They can only afford a bicycle, and they have no money to buy a car which is too expensive. So Chinese usually buy a bicycle, and use it to go to work, or go to travel and so on. The other reason is the large population of China. All these made the bicycle become the important means of transport.

  The bicycle, compared to the car, is not too expensive and it is easy to learn and to use and it can save the surface of putting it. It doesn’t ask to build the garage like car. This point is very important to China, because of the lack of land. It isn’t too expensive, so Chinese can afford it. It doesn’t need any oil, and it can’t cause the polusion. All of these are the good needs compared to the car.

  In the future, bicycle will be widely used. And it will be in good demand. People will produce much more modern bicycles.

  Score: 14

  Bicycles are very popular in China. Almost every family in the city has two or three bicycles. During the rush hour, you can see that thousands of people -- man and woman, old and young -- ride their bicycles to work and study. That is why China is called “the kingdom of bicycles”.

  注:1. 第一句总写,第二句和第三句分写,最后总写。

  2. During the rush hour 分词结构开头。

  3. 破折号内容为同位语,句式多变化。

  Compared with cars, bicycles are superior in many ways. First, they are cheap, convenient and easy to ride. Second, riding bicycle is good for health. Third, they bring no noise nor air pollution. Though cars are faster and more comfortable, they are too expensive. They consume plenty of oil and they pollute the air. Sometimes, it is difficult for a driver to park his car. Moreover they often cause traffic jams and accidents.

  注:1. Compared with cars 分词结构开头。

  2. be superior to/ be inferior to 优于/ 低于

  3. thirst, second, third 英语语言有层次感,信号词

  4. cheap 便宜,最好用inexpensive

  5. be good for health 对健康有好处(万能理由)

  6. Moreover 表示递进

  In my opinion, the future of bicycle is very promising. Since China is a developing country and has a large population, I think, riding bicycle is appropriate to Chinese present conditions. It will be an important means of transportation for quite a long time.

  注:promising 有前途的 a promising young man

  Score: 11

  There millions of bicycles in today’s China. Bicycles are very important means of transport in people’s daily lives. Because to ride a bicycle is very simple, to buy a bicycle will not cost so much money, to park a bicycle needs just a small room and to ride a bicycle does not need oil but the rider’s strength, bicycles are popular all over the world, especially in China.

  注:第一句应该用there be结构

  Compared with a car, a bicycle is much cheaper. It is more suitable for China as a developing country. And a bicycle has almost caused no pollution but a car has. On the contrary, a bicycle is too slow, it costs more times than a car.

  I think the population of China’s bicycle will be kept for the long run. Because it will be replaced by a car, a bus and so on in some developed areas in China, and it will be made a wide use in the developing areas in China, the number of bicycles in China will be the same as today but I believe that it’s quality will be improved.

  I、对比观点选择题:1.有人认为……; 2.另外一些人认为……; 3.谈谈你的观点和看法。(最好写成4段)

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