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Some people think that museums are getting less important, when people can have access to information on the Internet, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为博物馆不重要,我们可以在网络上获得信息(参观博物馆),是否认同?


Now, people can use Internet to see historic objects freely. People think we don’t need museum in the future. To what extend do you agree or disagree. (2010年12月4日)

Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historic objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (2007年6月7日)





1. 对于短时内没有时间,没有钱去博物馆和美术馆的人来说,可以先在电脑上一饱眼福,间接的欣赏也会很有乐趣的。

2. 对于可以去亲自参观的人来说,可以用计算机去收集一些博物以及美术馆的信息,去目的地的时候,印象更加深刻。


1. 亲自游览艺术馆美术馆更值得推荐,亲自参观,印象更加真实,深刻。人们可以在艺术馆和美术馆大饱眼福,欣赏各种各样的精致的展品以及精美的艺术品。相反,无论网上的图片有多精彩以及丰富,他们仅仅是图片。

2. 艺术馆和美术馆有其不可替代性,因为历史文物和艺术产品有了存储的地方,有研究的价值。

3. 很多的父母愿意带着孩子去美术馆,对于孩子们来说,欣赏真实的艺术品可以增长历史知识,启迪智慧,陶冶情操。对于艺术家来说,参观博物馆可以培养艺术美感以及激发创造力。


1. museums and art galleries n博物馆和美术馆

2. historic objects = historical relic n文物

3. works of art = artwork n艺术品,美术品

4. exhibits = item on display n展品

5. museum piece n珍藏品

6. antiques = curios n古董

7. on the spot = on site n在现场

8. in person adv 亲自地

9. by using a computer = via the Internet v 通过互联网

10. have limited disposable income v可支配收入有限

11. can appreciate various works of art or exhibits to explore the wonder, beauty and eye-dazzling workmanship 欣赏艺术品和展品,探究艺术的精湛,美丽。

12. appreciate = feast one’s eyes on v 大饱眼福

13. cherish the dreams of …… = have the dreams of v 怀有…… 的梦想

14. enlighten children’s wisdom and cultivate children’s artistic taste 启迪孩子的智慧,培养孩子的艺术美感。

15. There are no better places than museums and art galleries for those museum piece, historic objects, and antiques to be collected, kept intact and studied. 有了艺术馆和美术馆,历史文物,古董可以被收集,保存,研究。

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