

阅读 :


  Some movies are serious designed to make the audience think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  Movies have the power to make you laugh, cry, or think about an issue that you might not otherwise think about. Although I sometime watch movies that are serious in nature, I prefer movies that amuse and entertain. When I see an amusing movie it makes me relax, laugh, and keeps me in good spirits.

  After a long day at school and work, I need a break and something to take my mind off of the troubles of the day. I can do that with an entertaining movie. When I watch an amusing movie, I don’t have to think. I just want to sit back and relax. After a movie, I then feel ready to get back to work on my studies.

  Amusing movies make people laugh. Laughing is important for the soul. Laughing not only makes people feel good, but also connects people. When people laugh together, they become friends.

  After watching an entertaining movie, which relaxes me and makes me laugh, I feel good. When I feel good I can focus more on other important things like my studies and work. Being in good spirits makes me feel better about myself and gives me a positive outlook on life.

  While I can appreciate serious movies that make you think, I prefer to be amused and entertained after a long day of work. Such movies allow me to take a break from the rigors of life by making me laugh and putting me in a good mood.

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