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  Science and the World's Problem 科学与世界性难题


  In saying that the world is at a crossroads created by science and technology I know I am not the first. But mankind cannot afford to hesitate in indecision. There is only one choice for us. We must begin to move along the road to a better future for all the peoples of the world and we must do this now.

  By the end of the 20th century, the population of the world might have been doubled. In attempting to ensure food, clothing and a dignified standard of life for this enormous host of people we must use every weapon that science and technology can give us. There are obvious difficulties for the less developed areas in doing this — for example, lack of capital, differences in social structure and inadequate knowledge.

  Our strategy to overcome these difficulties must be total. We have to look at world problems as a whole, that is, try to better our understanding of the complex interactions between the multitude of development activities. We already know the great gifts that science and technology can bestow on all nations. If we are made wiser by a constant appreciation of the complexities of what we are attempting, the faster we shall move towards a solution of the really imperative problems that confront us everywhere.

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本文标题:2016英语专四作文范文:科学与世界性难题 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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