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It is widely accepted that to be admitted by a prestigious university is crucial for one's future career. However, others also argue that it is better to choose one's favourite major in an ordinary university if he cannot be offered the same one by a famous university. What is more important to you-famous universit3r or major?


Favourite Major Outweighs a Prestigious University

If one cannot study one's favourite major in a prestigious university, is it better to opt for a second-best university in which one can choose one's preferred major? In my opinion, it is more important to study what one likes rather than being enrolled in a famous university at the expense of one's interest.

Admittedly, a prestigious university yields several advantages when it comes to job hunting, However, the name of the university is not the clincher in determining one's future career. Perseverance and determination contribute greatly to one's success. And what underlies these two things is an intrinsic penchant for what one studies. On the other hand, if one chooses a major one detests merely for the sake of the prestige of the university, it is tantamount to digging a grave for oneself. Just imagine how much enjoyment in life will be taken away from toiling over fields one is least interested in. Last but not least, it is often said that one can only achieve something substantial in a certain area by applying oneself to it. Otherwise, one inevitably feels being trapped in a dead end since one's talents have been suppressed.

In view of these points, I believe that the choice is clear-a favourite major outweighs a prestigious university. (213 words)


1.One should prioritize one's major before choosing a university.


2.It is beneficial in the long run if one chooses to study what one really likes.


3.The benefits of attending a prestigious university cannot offset the drawbacks of studying an unsuitable subject.


4.There are numerous people who are trapped in something they do not enjoy.


5.As important as a university’s reputation can be,one should not risk being enslaved to a future profession which does not yield enjoyment.


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本文标题:英语专四作文满分范文(三十一):大学名气、专业哪个更重要 - 专四作文_英语专四作文模板


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