

阅读 :




  Short-term overseas study tours, or micro study tours, usually lasts for two to three weeks,where groups of students have a taste of studying abroad by going to world-renowneduniversities, living in a student dorm or host family and attending courses that are pertinent tothat university.

  微留学(short-term overseas study tours或 micro study tours),是指学生历时二到三周,到海外参加“世界名校游”,住在学生宿舍或寄宿家庭,体验国外学校的特色课程。

  This kind of study tour can help potential overseas students build a fairly good visa record,which may do some good when applying for student visa in the future. At the same time, itmay serve as an impetus for students to study harder. The short-term experience can also serveas a test showing if a student is able to live an independent life abroad or not.


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本文标题:2017英语专业八级作文话题:国际游学 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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