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  题目大意: 一个人去做其他组员们都认可的事情 VS一个人坚持做与其他组员所想不同的事情,哪一个对小组更有帮助。 波波建议,选择前者,即认为做组员都认可的事情更有助于团队,分论点如下 :1)可以有助于团队的团结 2)可以有助于提升做事情的效率和正确率



  In the first place, those willing to do what other members want can establish a harmonious rapport with others, thus contributing to the union of the whole group. As is common sense, the cohesiveness inside a team, as the solid foundation for the further development of any group, is of great significance. By contrast, the divergence among group members always is the source of quarrel or even conflicts. Just imagine that if a student in your study group always ignores the feelings or opinions of other members and blindly insists in what he wants to do, he will leave an impression of being arrogant and stubborn in others. It is conceivable that no one in the group would like to cooperate with him, with the result that the group members ends up being separated or isolated from each other, thus undermining the harmony of the whole team.


  In the second instance, doing what others in the group want can improve the work efficiency. For one thing, lots of time will be saved. Let me explain. If there is any disagreement in a team, it is necessary to reach a consensus firstly, which is a time-consuming process. In any organization or institution, leaders make complaints that it takes endless meetings to build the agreement among group members about how they would move the project along. For another, a group of people have a wider range of knowledge,expertise, and skills than any single individual is likely to possess. As a result, the collective wisdom of other members will reduce the likelihood of making mistakes or errors. By  contrast, due to the limitation of a person’s knowledge, the whole group is more likely to go off the track. Therefore, acting as other members expect can make the team respond to the task or project more quickly and accurately.

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本文标题:2018专八作文范文:做团队认可的事情更有利 - 专八作文_英语专八作文模板


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