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  My Idea of a University Arts Festival

  I’ve heard the Student’s Union will host an arts festival next semester. According to my experience, the festival should include the indispensable element—arts education. And the Festival organizer has the necessity to work in conjunction with a volunteer artistic and administrative team.

  The arts are essential part of education. They give us a unique means of expression, capturing our passions and emotion, and allowing us to explore new ideas, subject matters and cultures. Arts education not only enhances students’ understanding of the world around them, but it also broadens their perspective on traditional academics. The arts give us the creativity to express ourselves, while challenging our intellect. The arts integrate life and learning for all students and are integral in the development of the whole person. So, without arts education, the Arts Festival will not be incomplete. Volunteers, especially those who possess artistic and administrative abilities, should be recruited. Volunteers provide free service so that the total cost of the Festival can be lowered. Besides, they are usually enthusiasts about arts, so their work will be very efficient. Volunteers can be students or professionals, and, volunteers and staff should be treated with the same respect and attention.

  Our university has so many amazing groups and talented individuals, but there has been no coordinated effort to showcase them. The Arts Festival will bring together undergraduates, professional school students and the community.








2018英语专业八级VIP签约班 【直播+录播】


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