

阅读 :

Nowadays the number of visitors to university campuses begins to rise sharply, especially the notable universities, such as Beijing University and Tsinghua University. . From a student’s perspective, do you think universities should open to the public? Write a composition of about 400 words to state your view.

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Sample 1

Universities Should Open to the Public

Nowadays university campus sees more and more visitors, some of whom are parents of prospective students searching for a sense of the atmosphere of the school before deciding to get their kids enrolled and others are tourists who regard some notable institutions like Beijing University and Tsinghua University as scenic spots during Labor Day and National Day vacations. But the issue has drawn public attention and triggered heated debate over whether it will harm safety or distract students from studying. In my opinion, universities should open to the public.

First of all, opening the university would not only siphon visitors from other crowded scenic spots, but also can satisfy people’s respect and interest in education and culture. Undoubtedly, it is advisable when people choose to visit universities rather than casinos. In the United States, most top universities are open to the public, even after“9. 11”, be it Harvard or Yale. The goal is not to make revenue from tourists, but to pique curiosity and interest in institutions of higher learning. China has invested profusely in universities, especially in the past two decades. What we are waiting for are the long-term benefits of training talents. However the intangible benefits of this practice are more far-reaching.

Secondly, these universities are state-owned and should serve public interests. A1arge quantity of the money that the government has invested in the school comes from taxpayers. Even funds raised by the university itself are from those who take it as public resources. University visitors consist of parents and their children from all walks of life, so they are entitled to have access to public resources. These parents only hope their children can experience the school’s cultural atmosphere and encourage them to aim high for their future. Besides, it is also helpful for the university to build its good image, publicize itself, and reach out to common people.

In a word, the spirit of openness is called on in the issue while common visitors should cherish this golden opportunity and help to maintain a good order on campus. Only by mutual respect and efforts, can this practice develop into a long-lasting tradition.

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