
中考英语作文范文:欢迎来到北京 Welcome to Beijing

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An old city

An new city

Tian’an Men Square

the National Stadium 国家体育场(鸟巢)

the Great Wall

the National Grand Theatre国家大剧院

Beijing O pere,Hutong

The National Aquaties Center国家游泳中心(水立方)

Welcome to Beijing

An old city:Beijing is one of the world’s odest vities.________________________________________


A new city:The city also has many new great buildings.______________________________________


  注意:1.词数:80词左右 2.海报尽可能包括表中信息,但可以适当发挥

Welcome to Beijing

  An old city:Beijing is one of the world's odest vities. It's the capital of China. It has a lot of places for visitors to see. There is the Tian'an Men Square,the largest squarein the world. The Great Wall is one of the world's seven wonders . Beijing Opera is also gamous ,from which people can learn about Chinese history. In Beijing Hutong,you can also see something about the old life of the city .

  A new city: The city also has many new great buildings. One of them is the National Stadium(Bird's Nest).The National Grand Theatre and the National Aquaties Center(Water Cube) are newly built. All of these tell you that one of the world's oldest cities is developing fast.




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