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  你有没有发现流行文化总会刮起一阵阵的“复古风”和“怀旧风”?你有没有总结过这阵风具有什么样的规律呢?Adam Gopnik发在《纽约客》的一篇文章就为我们揭开了美国流行文化的“四十年黄金定律”。

  The prime site of nostalgiais always whatever happened, or is thought to have happened, in the decade between forty and fifty years past.


  What drives the cycle isn’t, in the first instance, the people watching and listening; it’s the producers who help create and nurture the preferred past and then push their work on the audience.


  Though pop culture is most often performed by the young, the directors and programmers and gatekeepers—the suits who control and create its conditions, who make the calls and choose the players—are, and always have been, largely forty-somethings.


  Forty years past is the potently fascinating time just as we arrived, when our parents were youthful and in love, the Edenic period preceding the fallen state recorded in our actual memories.


  The forty-year rule is, of course, not immutable, and its cycle carries epicycleswithin it: the twenty-year cycle, for instance, by which the forty-somethings recall their teen-age years. But it is the forty-years-on reproductionof a thing that most often proves more concentrated and powerful than the original.


  And so, if we can hang on, it will be in the twenty-fifties that the manners and meanings of the Obama era will be truly revealed: only then will we know our own essence.


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本文标题:怀旧的"四十年黄金定律" - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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