

阅读 :

  姐妹们,活好当下,做好能做的每一件事,不为此生后悔,生命太短暂了。所以应该开心地过好每一天!  --心婉

  The girl in the picture is Katie Kirkpatrick, she is 21. Next to her, her fiancé, Nick, 23. 
  The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on January 11, 2005 in the US .
  Katie has terminal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication.
  In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of chemo to end.

  照片上的女孩名叫Katie Kirkpatrick, 21岁。在她边上的是她的未婚夫Nick, 23岁。他们于2005年1月11日在美国举行了婚礼,照片是在他俩婚礼刚结束后拍的。Katle 已处于癌症晚期,每天必须接受几个小时的化疗, 照片中,Nick正在等她结束化疗。

  In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every detail. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss .


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  An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that Katie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well.
  The other couple in the picture are Nick's parents. Excited to see their son marrying his high school sweetheart.


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  Katie, in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube , listening to a song from her husband and friends 

  Katie 的轮椅上挂着氧气瓶,照片上,她正吸着氧气聆听她的丈夫和朋友们唱歌。

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  At the reception, katie had to take a few rests. The pain did not allow her to stand for long periods


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  Katie died five days after her wedding day. Watching a woman so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think..... Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it lasts . 
  We should stop making our lives complicated.


  Life is short  生命是如此短暂

  Make it Sweet...  让生命变得甜蜜些吧

  Break the rules  快快打破常规和约束,

  forgive quickly  让我们彼此得到宽恕和谅解。

  kiss passionately, love truly  热情地拥吻,真诚的相爱,

  laugh constantly  不停地欢笑,

  And never stop smiling  千万不要停止欢笑,

  no matter how strange life is   不管生活是多么地艰难...

  Life is not always the party we expected to be  生命不会永远,我们期待相聚。

  but as long as we are here,  只要我们还在这里,
  we should smile and begrateful.  就应该欢笑,应该感恩...

  本文内容由病友心婉 提供  LAM中国志愿者劳女士 编译

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本文标题:生命如此短暂让我们就此相爱吧 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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