

阅读 :

Time Off-Vacation空闲时光——度假
I haven't had a vacation in a while.我有段时间没有度假了。
I think I'll take off soon.我想自己不久就会启程。
I'm not sure where I'll go or what I'll do.我不知道我要去哪里或我会做什么。
But I can learn a tourism place where I can go for a long road,但是我了解到的是在旅游的地方我可以走很长的一段路。
breathe fresh air and take some nice pictures.呼吸新鲜空气,拍一些漂亮的照片。
When I was a kid, I really look forward to vacations.当我还是个孩子的时候,我真的很期待假期。
Some of vacations were the best.有些假期是最好的。
It was care free time.尤其是完全自由的时间。
As I became older, and I have to pay for my vacations.而随着我逐渐长大,我为自己的度假支付。
Planning became important.计划变成的非常重要。
Time and money are always the big issues.时间和金钱总是大问题。
After having a family of my own, vacations are more complicated.在我拥有了自己的家庭后,度假变得更为复杂。
If I go, my boss to said to when.如果我要去的话,我的老板会问何时动身。
My wife to said to where, and my kids to said how.我的妻子会问到哪里去,而我的孩子们则会问怎样去。
A vacation is supposed to be a time when you get away from work and recharge.度假应该是一段你把注意力从工作中移开,并对自己进行充电的时间。
It's a time to see something new.这是一个去看一些新事物的时间。
It's a time to extend your horizons, especially if you travel.尤其是如果你去旅行,这是一个用来扩展你的视野的时间。
But it's easy for the opposite to happen.但是很容易发生相反的情况。
You can come back from a vacation feeling really tired.你度假回来后会感觉真的很累。
You can finish a vacation thinking "I can't wait to get back to work."你完成一个度假后会思考“我等不及要回去工作了。”
And rather than extend your horizons,而不是扩大你的视野,you might merely dipping your bad.你可能会握着你的荷包盘算。
Vacations aren't cheap.度假真心并不便宜。
It's been a while since to have a vacation.自从一个愉快的度假后已经有段时间了。
I might take one soon.我可能很快就会再次度假。

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本文标题:英文短文:空闲时光—度假 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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