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  Bad news… you aren’t going to reach your goals. Why? Unfortunately, there are many reasons. We set goals all the time. But, often, we do not reach them.

  坏消息:你没达成你的目标。为什么?不幸的是原因有很多。 我们总是在设定目标,但我们却常常没达成我们的目标。

  There are many reasons that goals go unfulfilled. Maybe they were never clearly defined. Maybe the discipline was not there. For many, goal setting is a never ending circle that starts, stops, and beings again.

  目标没有达成存在很多原因。也许是因为目标不够清晰明确,也许是因为没有做到自律。 对很多人来说,设定目标是一个无休止循环:开始,结束,然后又是开始,结束。

  To help us succeed in reaching our goals, let’s examine the reasons why many people fail at reaching them. Here are 8 Reasons That You Won’t Reach Your Goals:


  1. You Don’t Have Any Goals


  Wayne Gretsky famously said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” The same can be said of goals. You will not attain 100% of the goals you don’t set. Too many people are afraid to “set” their goals. Afraid of failing. Afraid of disappointment. Afraid of what others might think. Well, you definitely won’t complete them if you don’t try. Make a choice and set your goals. Otherwise, you will will end up wherever life takes you.

  加拿大冰球明星韦恩·格雷茨基有一句著名的话:“不开枪,你就百分百浪费了子弹。” 在设定目标方面也是同理。如果你不设定目标,你百分之百不会实现目标。很多人不敢设定目标。他们害怕失败,害怕失望,害怕他人的看大。然而,如果你都不去一试的话,你注定无法实现目标。做个选择,设定目标。否则,你只能任由生活主宰你。

  2. You Don’t Start


  OK, so you have a goal. Maybe it’s to lose weight. Or to learn a new skill. To get a new hobby. What have you done about it? Have you started it yet? What are you waiting for? Procrastination is responsible for the demise of many goals.

  你有一个目标。比如说是减肥,或是学一项新技能,或培养一个新爱好。 那你做过些什么?你开始行动过吗?你还在等什么?拖延让很多目标落空了。

  3. You Aren’t Willing to “Buy” Your Goals


  Yes. You have to buy your goals. Why? Because every goal has a price. It has a cost. Time. Money. Sweat. Sacrifice. You will have to “pay” for your goals in some manner. If you are not willing to make the investment, then you will not reach your goals. Determine what your goal is going to cost you, and whether or not you are willing to pay the price.


  4. Your Goals Are Unrealistic


  Setting goals is important, but ensuring that they are possible is important too. If you set your goals impossibly high, then you are not grounded in reality. Losing 30 lbs. in 30 days is not realistic. Becoming CEO of your company in a year, probably not going to happen. Make sure that your goals are possible and that you set an adequate time frame for success.



  5. You Won’t Stick With It


  Over half of goals will be given up within 30 days. You set your goals. You started them. And then… you gave up. You didn’t have the discipline to stay the course. Are you using life’s daily happenings as excuses? I couldn’t go to the gym today because work was too busy. I could not work on my book because I was too tired. Goals are not reached through one momentous effort. Rather, they are made in small steps over time.


  6. They Are Not “Your” Goals


  Why did you pick the goals you set? Is it something that you wanted to accomplish, or is it something that others wanted you to do? Something that was expected of you? If you goals are not your own, you will not have the passion and drive to complete them. Too often, we put goals are on our plate that are not our own. In these cases, we are destined for failure. Ensure that your goals align with your own values and dreams.


  7. You Will Fail… and You Won’t Get Back Up!


  No one succeeds immediately. Overnight success is a myth. Those who appear to have effortlessly succeeded have usually put in years of preparation and practice. The secret is that when you fall down… you have to get back up. You have to fall down many times before you will succeed. Skill is learned by doing.

  没有人能一步登天。一夜成名是一个神话。那些看似轻轻松松就成功的人,通常是投入了好几年时间去准备和练习。 秘诀在于:当你跌倒时,你得再站起来。在你成功前,你会跌倒很多次。技能是在实践中学来的。

  8. You Quit Before the Finish Line


  Too many people stop… right before the finish. It’s almost like they don’t want to get there. They are afraid of succeeding. Often a life event is used as the reason for not finishing. Something always come up before you finish. You get sick. A emergency occurs. Unforeseen events happen. (Life always does…)

  Don’t let “life” be the reason your do not attain your goal.


  Are you reaching your goals? Which of these is keeping you from succeeding? Are you “paying the price” for your goals, or are you simply letting life take you where it goes? Set your goals. Stay the course. Always get back up when you fail. And make sure you cross the finish line.


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