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  A UK study has claimed that only-children are more contented than those with siblings because they do not have to fight for their parents' attention。

  Thirty-one percent of children said they were hit, kicked or pushed by a sibling "quite a lot" or "a lot." Almost a third of teenagers said they were called "nasty names" and 18 percent said their belongings had been taken by a brother or sister. In all, 54 percent of siblings said they had been involved in some form of bullying。

  Figures from a study tracking the lives of 100,000 people in 40,000 British homes suggest only-children could be happier because they receive all the attention from their parents and do not have to fight for praise or assistance。

  The conclusion was supported by Hollywood actress Natalie Portman: "I would never have been an actress if I weren't an only child because my parents would never have let me be the star of the family at the expense of another child."

  University of Warwick professor Dieter Wolke said: "from anecdotal reports, quarreling siblings increase stress for parents, and some just give up intervening or intervene inconsistently, leaving the field wide open for the bully sibling."

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