

阅读 :

  Most people do not spend their day-off holidays happily. Here's how to make the most of your own company and have an enjoyable day off。

  Steps  步骤

  1. Spend time doing what you want to do! It's your holiday- spend it how you would like. Think of things that you wish you had time for when you're busy. It could be taking a long walk, sleeping in, watching daytime TV...anything!

  2. Use your time effectively. Take advantage of having some time on your hands. Use it to organise your closet, catch up on the laundry or get down to some DIY. You'll go back to work feeling like you've really accomplished something and had productive days off.

  3. Or enjoy your own company! Being alone doesn't need to be a negative thing. Buy in your favourite foods, pamper yourself and take some me-time.

  4. Catch up with your friends and family. If you've been busy at work, you may not have been able to socialise as much as you would have liked. Use your time to drop some chatty emails, make phone calls to old friends or to catch up with family members. They will appreciate your time.

  5. Spice up your physical! Get out to the fresh air and go for a jog, do some yoga or walk the dog! The combination of oxygen and exercise will ensure you get a good quality sleep and you will be able to return to work feeling energised!

  Tips 小贴士

  Make notes of things you wish you had time for. Then, when time becomes available, make a point of ticking a few of these activities off of the list.

  Warnings  提醒

  Don't oversleep. If you are returning to work the next day, you don't want to throw off your entire sleep cycle by sleeping in until 2pm.

  Don't overdo it. Holidays are for relaxing and recharging your batteries. You don't want to return to work more tired than when you finished.


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本文标题:英语短文:五招教你如何享受独处 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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