

阅读 :

one of the major principles of happiness – and this comes as a shock to no one – is that perception shapes reality. the way we view something determines our experience. i saw this during the inauguration. a person could say, "it's fantastic to be here among so many people," or a person could say, "it's a pain to be stuck in these crowds and long lines." same reality, different perception.

想要快乐须铭记一条原则,那就是“感知塑造现实”,谁也不会对这句话吃惊。我们看待事物的方式决定我们的体验。从就职仪式中我就发现了这一点。一个人可以说:“能和这么多人在这里真好!”另一个人也可以说:“陷入长长的队伍和人群中真痛苦。” 同样的现实,不一样的感受。

i realized the importance of characterization when i eavesdropped on a few conversations between my three-year-old and her grandmother.


my daughter:"can i please have some ice cream?" (yes, she did say 'please'.)

我的女儿说:“请问我能吃一些冰激凌吗?” (是的,她说了‘请’。)

my mother-in-law:"okay, but you had a cookie earlier, so i'm just going to give you a little bit."


my daughter:"no, no, i want a big bowl! not a little bit."


my mother-in-law:"tonight you're going to go to bed nice and early."


my daughter:"no, no, no! not early, i want to stay up late!"

我的女儿:“不,不! 不要早,要晚!”

had my mother-in-law said, "i'm giving you a big scoop" or "we're letting you stay up late," my daughter would have accepted that characterization instead of protesting. same bowl of ice cream, same bedtime, different perception.


and this isn't just true of children. the other day, i was talking to an acquaintance, and the subject of happiness came up. she said, "well, gretchen, you dabble in the subject of happiness, don't you?"


yes, in fact, i do dabble in the subject of happiness. i've been dabbling away for ten hours a day for more than three years now.


i'm proud to say that i handled it nicely in the moment, but i'm embarrassed to admit how much this characterization annoyed me. my reaction doesn't speak well of me, at all; i know perfectly well that this person has no particular reason to know what i'm up to and that she didn't mean to bug me – yet i found it hard not to feel irritated with that particular characterization.


本文标题:英汉英语美文:感知塑造现实,想要快乐须铭记的原则 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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