

阅读 :
Don’t save what is left after spending. But spend what is left after savings.


Wanting to save money is not enough. Anyway, there are a lot of things which didn’t come true although you wanted them to.


Saving is a technique . It’s simple. It’s just not easy.


If you only come to think about saving after you spend, there is no chance for you to accumulate a considerable fortune, because spending is always irrational.


The way that works is to make plans in advance.


Would it be too much to use 40% of my income to rent an apartment?


Is it really enough to save just 20% every month?


Only by making it clear how much you want to save can you come to know how much you can actually spend.



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本文标题:为什么你存不下钱? - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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