
散文赏析:You Light up My Life! 是你 点燃了我的生命!

阅读 :
Be good to everyone who becomes attached to us; cherish every friend who is by our side;


love everyone who walks into our life.


It must be fate to get acquainted in a huge crowd of people…


I feel, the love that Osho talks about, maybe is a kind of pure love beyond the mundane world, which is full of divinity and caritas, and overflows with Buddhist allegorical words and gestures,


but, it seems that I cannot see through its true meaning forever…


Maybe, I do not just “absorb” your love; but because the love overpowers me and I am unableto dispute and refuse it…


Do you know? It’s you who light up my life! And I stubbornly believe that such love can onlybe experienced once in my life.


Because of love, we won’t be lonely anymore; because of yearning, we taste more loneliness.



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本文标题:散文赏析:You Light up My Life! 是你 点燃了我的生命! - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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