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  There was half a mu of open ground in our backyard and Mother said, "It is a waste to leave it uncultivated. Since you are so fond of peanuts, why not open it up to plant some?" Pleased by the idea, we set about buying the seeds, plowing the field, sowing the seeds and watering it. Several months' hard work brought us the first harvest.

  "Let's have a harvest home and invite your father here tonight," Mother suggested. We all shouted agreement. The weather was bad that night, but still Father came which was rare.

  "Who can tell us the good of peanuts?" Father demanded. "They taste nice," my sister replied. "Oil can be extracted out of peanuts," my brother answered. I added, "Peanuts are cheap and everybody can afford them."

  Father elaborated, "Of the many advantages of peanuts, one is most valuable. Unlike pear, pomegranates and apples whose fruits are seductively high on the branches, peanuts keep close to the ground and you cannot tell whether they have borne fruit or not until they are dug out when ripe." We all agreed and Mother also nodded her approval.

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