
发现自己(Find Thyself )

阅读 :

  The only problem unconsciously assumed by all Chinese philosophers to be of any importance is:How shall we enjoy life,and who can best enjoy life?No perfectionism,no straining after the unattainable,no postulating of he unknowable;but taking poor,modal human nature as it is,how shall we organize our life so that we can woke peacefully,endure nobly and live happily?


  Who are we?That is first question. It is a question almost impossible to answer. But we all agree with the busy self occupied in our daily activities is not quite the real self. We are quite sure we have lost something in the mere pursuit of living. When we watch a person running about looking for something in a field,the wise man can set a puzzle for all the spectator to solve:what has that person lost?Some one thinks is a watch;another thinks it is a diamond brooch;and others will essay other guesses. After all the guesses have failed,the wise man who really doesn‘t know what the person is seeking after,tells the company:“I’ll tell you. He has lost some breath.”And no one can deny that he is right. So we often forget our true self in the pursuit of living,like a bird forgetting its own danger in pursuit of a mantis which again forgets its own danger in pursuit of another.


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本文标题:发现自己(Find Thyself ) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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