

阅读 :

  Life at age twenty seven is nothing what I envisioned when I was a child. I imagined by age twenty seven I would be in a serious relationship border line marriage, owning my own place, a successful career, being financially secure, and living life to the fullest on my downtime. The reality is before college my life was laid out with thirteen years of school then, after college other variables come into play such as figuring out what I want to do in life, coordinating my life with another person's life, unexpected set backs, and timing.

  Currently at age twenty seven, a quarter of what I envisioned, I am on my fifth job, took one year off to figure out what my purpose is in life, currently living with my father, not in a serious relationship, somewhat financially secure, and occasionally live life to my fullest on my downtime. Juggling important parts in my life is a complicated because I want to be well balanced in each category or else if you put too much concentration in one area you might get discourage with the results and burn out. The point is that I did not expect life to be so challenging with many more up hill battles ahead of me.

  I still don't know what I want to do in life, but I am realizing through my everyday experiences that I am slowly finding what makes me happy in life. Sometimes it's a little ray of hope that carry you through the next day or the next year that eventually everything will work out in the end.




英国十大野泳胜地 美文:书写你的生命 《如果生命可以重来》 散文:生命中的石头 写给在天堂的妻子 沙尘暴肆虐全球罕图

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本文标题:美文:27岁的人生 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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