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Step Three:Determine Your Rewards

Clearly determined rewards for participation in your mastermind alliance are an important factor in its harmony.Determine at the outset what rewards you are offering in return for the work of others,and there will be little room for later recriminations.

There are ten basic motives toward action that can be the basis of these rewards:

1.自保 Self-preservation
2.爱 Love
3.恐惧 Fear
4.性 Sex
5.对死后生命的渴望 Desire for life after death
6.身心自由 Freedom for mind and body
7.愤怒 Anger
8.仇恨 Hate
9.对认同和成就感的渴望 Desire for recognition and self-expression
10.财富 Wealth

虽然财富对团员的吸引力最大,但也不能忽视其他动机 的重要性。对许多人而言,认同和成就感和金钱一样重要。但请务必注意,如果你依赖愤怒、仇恨和恐惧,则这些动机可能会扭曲你的团员的心灵。
Wealth will obviously have the greatest appeal for members of your commercial enterprise,but remember that other motives can play an important role.Recongnition and self-expression are just as important as money to many people.Be aware that some of these motives--anger,hate,fear--can twist the minds of your team if you rely upon them.

你应欣然、公平而且慷慨地在团员之间分配最具影响力 的激励因素——财富,你的表现愈慷慨,就愈能从团员那儿 得到愈多的帮助。你必须掌握的另一项成功原则,就是多付 出一点点的习惯(请参阅第5章),如果你能在一开始时便 将此一原则纳入智囊团,它必然会为你带来莫大的助益。
Your best motivator,wealth,must be willingly,fairly,and generously divided among your team.The more generous you are,the more help you will ge.Anoter of the principles of success is the habit of going the extra mill(see Chapter 5).It will serve you well if you incorporate it into your alliance form the beginning

本文标题:成功的钥匙:确定报酬-英语美文成功篇 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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