
培根散文随笔集第57章:Of Anger 论愤怒(中英对照)

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of anger 论愤怒

to seek to extinguish anger utterly, is but a bravery of the stoics. we have better oracles: be angry, but sin not. let not the sun go down upon your anger. anger must be limited, and confined, both in race, and in time. we will first speak, how the natural inclination, and habit, to be angry, may be attempered, and calmed.
secondly, how the particular motions of anger may be repressed, or at least refrained from doing mischief.
thirdly, how to raise anger, or appease anger, in another.
人要彻底杜绝发怒 — 这只有斯多葛派哲学家才敢如此说。我们有一句更好的神谕:“生气却不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落。”对怒气必须从程度和时间两方面加以控制。我们来讨论其中三点:1)怎样克制和平息发怒的天性和习惯;2)怎样抑制发怒的具体行为,或尽量有所约束,以免造成恶果;3)怎样使别人发怒或息怒。

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本文标题:培根散文随笔集第57章:Of Anger 论愤怒(中英对照) - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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