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Almost all Korean students in primary and high schools have attended tutorial classes.And new statistics show that students think teachers in tutorials are professionally and psychologically superior to those in public schools.

The Seoul-based JoongAng Daily newspaper reported Saturday that the Korean Education Development Institute conducted a survey in June, via questionnaires and interviews, of 6,600 students with tutorial class experience from 107 high schools.
The survey found that private tutors scored higher than teachers in normal schools on all the items queried: teaching skills, professional dedication and personality."Tutors are better and more helpful than school teachers in any fields," a student respondent said.

The findings have sparked significant concern in Korean media.

An editorial of the newspaper pointed out that extra-curricular tutorial classes are astonishingly threatening the status of public schools.

It is acceptable that tutors, often experts, rank better in teaching professionalism.

But the fact that they secure higher scores in areas such as understanding students' minds and psychological cultivation clearly demonstrates the threats to school teachers brought by tutors in after-school classes.




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本文标题: 英文诗歌大全:韩国学生更喜欢辅导班老师 - 英语短文_英语美文_英文美文


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