
关于网吧的英语作文 The Internet Bar

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Teenagers like to computer games so much, some even drop out of the class and they hang around the street, going to the Internet bar, and are immerged themselves in the computer games. As we all known, Internet bar is not a good place for teenagers to come. First, there are all kinds of people in that places. It has been reported that many accidents have happened in the Internet bar, some people have fought each other and then cut people, even people died there. It is so dangerous. Second, as the teenagers are so innocent, they may be seduced by some bad people in the Internet bar, the teenagers may be adducted to other places and never come home again. Internet bar is not a safe place for teenagers, so they should learn protect themselves and stay away from it.  青少年很喜欢玩电脑游戏,一些人甚至旷课,他们在街上到处晃荡,去到网吧里面,沉浸在电脑游戏里面。我们都知道,网吧对于青少年来说不是一个该去的好地方。第一,网吧里面有形形色色的人。据报道,很多事故发生在网吧里面,一些人彼此间打架,然后砍人,甚至有人死掉。这是多么危险啊。第二,青少年相对比较天真,他们可能会在网吧里面收到坏人的诱导,也有可能被坏人绑架到别的地方,永远不能再回家。网吧对于青少年来说不是一个安全的地方,所以他们应该学着保护自己,远离网吧。
本文标题:关于网吧的英语作文 The Internet Bar - 高中英语作文_高中英语作文范文_中学生英语作文


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