
My Britihday Gifts(我的生日礼物)

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It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones.

My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football. BUt when I opened it, it turned out to be a clock. My brother gave me a message, saying that "My present has been put in your bedroom. "As soon as I went into my bedroom, I found a box. I opened it and found a laptop. I was very happy.

These two presents aim to let me study hard and not to waste time.




Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of presents. These presents were packed in coloured paper and two of them were funny and interesting, which impressed me.

My sister sent a bag of present to me. The bag was big and round. I though it was a football. But when I opened it, I saw a clock. The other one was given by my brother. He left me a message, which said "my present is lying in your bedroom". When I got to my bedroom, I found a laptop. Oh!Great!' I jumped with joy. I know, they Want me to study hard and not to waste time.

I would never forget this birthday.




My Britihday Gifts(我的生日礼物)

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