
22. Job Technique

阅读 :

  Vacationing on the island of Oahu, we were waiting in our tour bus for some stragglers to show up. A man, obviously not with our group, approached the bus and was about to board. How would our driver handle the situation, we wondered. Straight-faced, he leaned toward the door and asked, "Going to the nudist Colony, sir?"

  "Oh, no," replied the would-be passenger, retreating quickly.

  "Works every time," the driver said with a wink.


  (1) Oahu n.瓦胡(岛)

  (2) straggler n.落伍者;掉队者

  (3) show up显现

  (4) approach v.走近;接近

  (5) be about to(do)(表计划)即将做

  (6) board v.上(船、火车、飞机、公共汽车等)

  (7) straight-faced adj.板起面孔的

  (8) nudist Colony天体营(裸体主义者实行其信条的场所)

  (9) retreating quickly迅速后退。这是一个分词短语作状语,表示伴随状况。



  ① We were waiting in our tour bus for some _____ to show up.

  ② A man, obviously y not with our group, _____ the bus and was to board.

  ③ How would our driver _____the situation, we wondered.

  ④ He leaned _____the door.

  ⑤ "Oh, no, " replied the_____ passenger, _____quickly.






① stragglers ② approached;about ③ handle ④ toward ⑤would-be; retreating

本文标题:22. Job Technique - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事

上一篇:23. A Bad Doctor 下一篇:109.A Wild Guess


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