

阅读 :

  When my wife went in the hospital for surgery several years ago, a rule prohibited children under 12 from visiting patients. Our 11 -year -old seemed to understand, but our six -year -old took the restriction very hard. We discovered why she was so unusually upset when we heard her talking to her mother on the phone for the first time. As she said good bye, she tearfully exclaimed, ″I'll see you when I'm 12, Mom!″

  几年前,我妻子动手术时,医院有条规定 禁止12岁以下的儿童探望病人。我们11岁的孩子似乎能理解,可6岁的女儿对此却非常伤心。等听到她头一次给她妈妈打电话,我们才明白她为何如此分外激动。在电话里,她边说再见,边哭着喊道 妈妈,等我12岁时一定去看你!

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本文标题:探望病人 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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