

阅读 :

one day, while sue was cleaning under the bed, she found a small box. curious, she opened it and found 3 eggs and 10,000 dollars. a little bit suspicious, she confronted her husband of twenty years about it.

"oh, that," frank said. "every time i cheated on you, i put an egg in this box." sue was a bit unhappy about this, but figured that 3 affairs over twenty years wasn't so bad.

"but what about the 10,000 dollars?"

"every time i got a dozen, i sold them."

一天,妻子 sue 在整理床铺时,偶然发现了一个小盒子。出于好奇心,她小心翼翼的打开了盒子,发现里面放了三枚鸡蛋和10000美元钞票。对于相处了20余年丈夫居然对自己隐瞒了此事,她开始感到有些疑惑不安。

“哦,是这样的,”丈夫 frank 解释道,“每次我做了对你不忠的事,我就会在这个盒子里放一枚鸡蛋。” sue 虽然对此感到不很高兴,但是转念又一想20多年的丈夫背着她有婚外情也不过只有三次,想想也不算太坏。




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本文标题:英汉双语笑话:鸡蛋和10000美元的背叛 - 英语笑话_英文笑话_英语幽默小故事


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