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chicago cubs outfielder andre dawson on being a role model: "i want all the kids to do what i do, to look up to me. i want all the kids to copulate me."

芝加哥小熊队外野手andre dawson谈到作为人们的榜样:“我希望所有的孩子都来做我所做的事情,都来崇拜我。我想让所有的孩子都来和我交配。”  [嘲笑运动员四肢发达,头脑简单。这个运动员用词用错,本应为“崇拜、敬重、学习”的其他词,他用了表示“交媾、交配”的copulate。]

new orleans saint rb george rogers when asked about the upcoming season: "i want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first."

当被问到即将到来的新赛季,新奥尔良saint队右后卫george rogers说:“我想跑1000或1500码,不论这两个目标哪个会先实现。”

and, upon hearing joe jacoby of the 'skins say "i'd run over my own mother to win the super bowl," matt millen of the raiders said, "to win, i'd run over joe's mom too."

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