

阅读 :

The Young Man at the Wheel

  My infant daughter began crying as I drove home from the store, and since she was harnessed to her safety seat in the back, I couldn't console her. Stopping for a red light, I turned around and waved my hands, calling her name to distract her. I gave her my biggest smile and blew her a kiss. The sound of a horn from the car behind us prompted me to look up. The young man at the wheel was smiling broadly .He waved and then blew me a kiss.


  (1) harness (to)v.系于;绑于He is harnessed to his job. 他工作脱不开身。
  (2) console v.给予安慰或同情
  (3) distract v.转移注意力;使分心
  (4) prompt v.驱使
  (5) the man at the wheel驾驶员
  (6) broadly adv.咧嘴地


  ① My infant daughter began_____ as I drove home from the store.
  ② And since she was harnessed_____ her safety seat in the back, I couldn't console her.
  ③ Stopping _____a red light, I turned around and waved my hands, calling her name to distract her.
  ④ I gave her my biggest smile and her a kiss.
  ⑤ The young man _____the wheel was smiling broadly.




  ① crying ② to ③ for ④ blew ⑤ at

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