
范文:Too good to Be True

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  Too Good to Be True!

  (Before a shop window) MO= Mother S= Sue A= Assistant MA= Manager

  MO: How much is that handbag, Sue? I can't see the price.

  S: I'm not sure. It may be 50 pence.

  MO: 50 pence! It can't be. Surely it isn't.

  S: Let's go and ask.

  MO: How much is that handbag.?

  A: Which one?

  MO: The one in the window.

  A: 50 pence!(Holding the bag) It can't be! It's made of leather, not plastics. This must be a mistake. I'll go and ask the manager…How much is this handbag?

  MA: It's $5 not 50 pence. That's a mistake.

  A: I'm sorry, madam.

  M: OI knew it!

  S: It was too good to be true!


  Too good to Be True

  Mother and Sue looked at a handbag in a shop window, but they weren't sure of the price. So they went into the shop and asked the assistant. The assistant took the handbag out of the shop window and looked at the price. It was 50 pence. But she couldn't believe that it was so cheap for it was a real leather handbag, so she called her manager. Mother and Sue were very sorry to hear that that the price was wrong. The handbag coat $5. Sue said at last:“It was too good to be true.”



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