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  “Modesty helps one progress, and pride makes one lag behind.”Celebrating the virtue of modesty, The saying becomes many people's motto.

  Everyone has his strong points, of which he may have too high an opinion. For example, the old may look down upon the young, thinking that young persons lack wisdom and experience; the young may despise the old, taking pride in their vigor. The important thing is to be modest and to learn from other people's strong points.

  Modesty is important in learning. A modest person never hesitates to consult those who are inferior to him. He understands that the range of knowledge is as vast as the sea and one can only gain a drop all his life. In contrast, a conceited person, while having only a smattering of knowledge, shows it off and dissatisfied with what he has achieved. As a modest person's thirst for knowledge is never satisfied, the road to success lies before him.


  文章以“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后”这一格言开头,从“人各有所长,应虚心取人所长”和“谦虚对求学至关重要”两方面论述了谦虚这一主题,最后得出结论 “虚心的人能够走向成功”。层次清楚,措辞准确。文中将知识与大海作比喻句贴切自然,没有牵强附会之感。文中一些习语的熟练运用,也显示出了作者良好的文字功底。

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