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A Phone Call


  I was tired with preparing for the Joint College Entrance Examination the other evening. And having been alone for several hours, I was eager to have someone to chat with me about anything but examinations. So I telephoned my best friend Mary, who was also busy preparing for the joint entrance examination.

  On the telephone, I told her that I missed her very much. And I invited her to have a cup of coffee with me in a coffeehouse near her home. But to my surprise, she declined and said that she had to devote all her time to her studies. Hearing this, I could do nothing but hang up after saying “Sorry” to her. Disappointed and discouraged, I turned back to my desk and reluctantly buried myself again in my books.

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本文标题:短篇英语范文【53】通电话 - 英语作文范文_英语作文万能句子_英语作文模板


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