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as the tide of the war turned against the axis powers in 1943, the italian dictator mussolini was deposed and arrested on the king's orders, while italy attempted to change sides.

now hitler needed an italian puppet to head the german-held northern italy, so he gave authorisation for a commando raid to free his old ally, who was held at the gran sasso hotel, high up in the apennine mountains. on 12 september 1943, otto skorzeny, who was responsible for the rescue mission, kidnapped italian general ferdinando soleti. that afternoon, 12 german gliders crashed-landed on the gran sasso's slopes. seeing general solefi with the german commandos, the italian guards did not open fire."duce, the fuhrer has sent me to set you free," skorzeny told mussolini."i knew my friend adolf hitler would not abandon me," mussolini responded.

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