

阅读 :


benito mussolini, who founded the italian fascist party in 1919 and was made prime minister of italy in 1922 by king vittorio emanuele, entered world war ii on germany's side in 1940.

by july 1943, italy was losing the war. on 25 july, mussolini went for an audience with the king just as he had done every sunday since coming to power. as usual, he found vittorio emanuele waiting for him at the door, but this time the king was wearing a marshal's medal-bedecked uniform, which he had not worn in the earlier meetings. mussolini sensed that something was wrong.

the king confirmed his fears, informing him that he was being replaced by marshal pietro badoglio. he then escorted mussolini to the door and bade him a chilly goodbye. he failed to mention that he had already signed a warrant for his arrest.

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