

阅读 :


at one time during world war i churchill visited france to observe the fighting. in his shelter at the front line, he received a message from a general, a former acquaintance, who wanted to see him. he was to walk to a crossroads some three miles away, where a car would meet him. after he had waited at the crossroads for an hour, an officer came and told him that the car had gone to the wrong crossroads, and now it was too late for the meeting.

cursing the general, churchill trudged back to the shelter in the dark and the rain, only to find that five minutes after he had left a shell had come through its roof and killed the man inside. churchill records:"suddenly i felt my irritation against general x pass completely from my mind." if anything, he felt grateful to the general.

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本文标题:古德明英语军事小故事:死里逃生(中英对照) - 英语故事_英文故事_英语小故事


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